How Smoothe Works
Our Events
What is Smoothe Events?
We are a social technology company that runs events throughout the year. Unique to our organization is the Smoothe Web-App, which enhances person to person interaction at live events. Most of our events integrate the Web-App, but we also run many events where the hosts and theme serve to maximize interaction, and the Web-App is not required.
What makes your events different from other social events?
Smoothe Events focuses on positive interaction – our hosts and technology are geared towards helping people mingle and meet in a safe, comfortable space, experiencing fun activities with specially themed events. Smoothe hosts have been involved in managing social activities for years, and so when you attend a Smoothe event, you’re not abandoned once you check in – we’re always available and organize events in a way to ensure it is easy and natural for people to mingle.
Do all your events use the Smoothe Web-App?
Although a majority of our events do integrate the Web-App, some may include activities that would not be conducive towards periodically checking one’s phone. Accordingly, not all our events integrate Smoothe technology – this will be specified in the event description.
Do you have different themes for your events?
Absolutely! Not only do we have different themes, such as clubs, bars, food trucks, picnics, wine tours and more, but some of our events are focused on friendships rather than dating. So depending on what you’re looking for, you should be able to find an event that suits you.
Are your events LGBT friendly?
Our events vary depending on the theme and focus, and some of our events will cater to different groups. Due to the unique nature of how our software works, we are able to run LGBT friendly events that allow for anyone to like anyone without restrictions. So depending on your preferences, there will be an event for you.
I have a disability, can I attend? Can I bring a support person?
Support persons are encouraged to come along and do not need a ticket as long as they have a valid Companion Card that can be shown upon entry when you arrive along with the ticket for yourself that has been purchased. If you have any other needs you would like catered to, please contact us and we will do our best to adhere to them dependent on certain venue and other circumstantial factors.
Do I have to consume alcohol at events?
No! Although many of our events can involve licensed venues, whether you choose to grab an alcoholic drink or not is completely up to you.
Do you have age restrictions?
Linked to the theme, some of our events will specify the age group(s) they are run for. This allows people to meet people within certain age brackets, and we do expect all patrons to respect these guidelines. However, not all events will have age specifications.
I get anxiety going to social events. Can you help me?
We can’t make the anxiety go away, but we sure can help make you feel safe and comfortable! Just approach any of our hosts, and we will introduce you around so that you get to know people at the event. As previously mentioned, our events are unique in that our hosts are there to interact and mingle and ensure no one is left out.
When is your next event?
Our events are listed on the front of the website, and historical ones are hidden generally a few days after the event is over. However, we are always planning new, fun activities, and so we strongly recommend you register for our newsletter at the bottom of every page of the website. We do not send out spam, and that way you can be notified when we have a new event coming up, and also periodically throw in exclusive promotions and discounts to our subscribers. As well, we almost always have early bird sales which sell out, so it’s generally our subscribers that get to them first.
How do I get a ticket?
Once you click on our event, you will find a drop down list of the tickets available. We do sell out quite often, so we recommend you pick and secure your spot if you find an event that suits you.
Checking in
What do I need to bring to a Smoothe event?
All you will need is your phone/ticket and identification which matches the information you provided when you purchased your ticket.
What can I expect when I arrive?
Once you arrive, show our friendly host(s) your ticket – they will check you in and confirm your identity/ticket. If the event integrates the Web-App, you will receive an SMS with a link to your dashboard, and you will be assigned a unique code which you will wear as a nametag.
What is my unique code, and how does it work?
With events that use our Web-App, to protect everyone’s privacy, every patron that checks in is assigned a random, unique identification code. This is used to send each other likes and mingle throughout the night.
How will I know my unique code? How will I know other people’s codes?
Your code will be on your nametag and visible in your dashboard on your mobile once you check in. Other people will have it on their nametag, allowing you to send them likes.
Will anyone else know my name or phone number?
No! The entire system uses your code which acts as a firewall. If you give your personal information to anyone during the event, it is completely voluntary (Smoothe hosts, naturally, will have access to the information you provide during signup but will not provide this to anyone else).
What if I don’t like my code? Am I stuck with that for future events?
Your unique code is assigned during check in – this means you get a random ID at each new event, and will not retain them across events. Unfortunately, once your ID is assigned, we cannot change it.
Interacting using Smoothe Technology
How do I send someone a like?
During the event, if you see anyone you feel you’d like to get to know better, just put the unique code from their nametag into your dashboard on your phone, and send them a like. They will receive a ping, and if they like you back, you can both have a quick meet!
How do I know if they’ve liked me back?
Once anyone receives a like, they will be notified that someone with your unique code liked them. They can then choose to accept the like and initiate a meet, or if they’re not feeling it, they can decline the invitation. In either of those two cases, you will receive a notification. They also have the option of hiding the like, in which case you will not receive any notification.
How do I know if someone else likes me?
You will receive a ping when anyone at the event likes you.
Will other people know if I decline a like?
You have the option of declining a like or ignoring it – in the former case, they will receive notification. If you just hide it, they will not receive anything.
Are there other ways of interacting?
Different events will have different amenities, and some will provide for the ability to send people gifts, drinks, and other things throughout the night.
Can I block people from liking me?
As you don’t have to respond to anyone that sends you a like (just like most dating apps) there is no need to block people. However, once someone sends you a like, if you reject it, they will not be able to send you gifts or interact with you in other ways from then on.
I clicked decline by mistake. How do I undo that?
You can’t! Unfortunately, once you react to a like, that’s done. So click carefully! And you always have the option of walking up to the individual and correcting your action if you wish to.
About Smoothe Technology
What software do you use?
We have an in-house development team that has developed, and constantly updates, our web-based Smoothe Web-App.
How do I download the Web-App?
The Smoothe Web-App is browser based so you don’t need to download anything. As it is used only during events and none of your information is retained, you can’t access the dashboard or the app outside of the event.
Do I need a special device to use it? Does it work on Android and iOS?
Our software is 100% web-based – this means it will work on any device that supports browsing. We made this decision to minimize incompatibilities, and also so that no one has to install anything on their phone to attend our events.
How do I access my Smoothe Dashboard once I’m checked in?
When you check in, you will receive an SMS with your dashboard link. You can re-click this anytime to access it, but most patrons keep the window accessible for most of the event. Just make sure you don’t give anyone else this link otherwise they will also be able to access your dashboard!
How do I receive notifications of likes?
Everything is done via SMS – you will receive an SMS when you get a new like, or if anyone interacts with you via your event ID. Similarly, if you get a decline to a like, or a like back, you will be notified via SMS. All SMSs are stored in the same thread, so your phone won’t get bogged down with lots of SMSs from different senders.
What if something isn’t working, like notifications or anything else?
Just approach one of our hosts, and they will try to troubleshoot the issue with you. Our software goes through rigorous testing so issues are unlikely, but we’re always here to help if anything arises.
Privacy & Safety
How do you protect my privacy at a Smoothe event?
When you mingle at a Smoothe event, even though people can send you likes, no one will ever have access to your name or phone number unless you provide it to them. Everything is done via your random, unique event ID. Our hosts likewise do not provide your personal information to anyone.
What if I feel uncomfortable at an event?
We are dedicated to creating safe spaces for all individuals, and our hosts are prepared to manage any situation that may arise. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, just approach one of our hosts, and we’ll take it from there. Your comfort is our paramount priority.
I purchased a ticket but can’t go anymore. How do I get a refund?
When purchasing a ticket for one of our events, please do so carefully as we do not offer refunds on tickets unless specified on the event page.
I didn’t make any connections at the event. Can I get my money back?
While we do everything to make sure our patrons are satisfied, there will undoubtedly be events and times when not everyone finds what they are looking for. This is the nature of dating, and unfortunately, we do not offer refunds in situations like these.
What if an event gets cancelled?
If an event is cancelled or any other issue arises, we will reach out to patrons to offer options. In most cases, we will provide patrons full refunds.
Business Development
I want to run a Smoothe event in my city. Can I do that?
Our software has been developed to be 100% web-based, and accordingly, we are able to run Smoothe events anywhere in the world. We are eager to work with passionate organizations that wish to power their events with our speed dating solution, but are careful to ensure that the events are run according to our standards to ensure patron satisfaction. If you are interested in working with us, please contact us with details about your organization and interest.
I have more questions!
Great! Contact us here and we’ll get in touch as soon as we can.